
Wednesday, June 25, 2003

remember JigCal in school?
you answered multiple choice questions on your interests, marked the answer on a computer readable form.. which was sent away for processing. Next week the results were returned, they suggested suitable career paths and professions to which you would be suited.

I tried to rig the system, surely many others did too. At the time I wanted to be a record producer, so I answered every question with the option I thought would be most likely to lead to this outcome. I think it may have worked in my case (had some suggestions about the music industry), others were not so lucky.

A friend hated animals, responded to statements such as 'I enjoy working with animals' with options 'Strongly Disagree'. He was recommended to become a horse trainer.

Another friend wanted to become a policeman.. responded positively to the statements such as 'I want to work outside', 'I want to work with the public', 'I have strong communication skills'. It was suggested he become a wig maker.

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